How do you build momentum with your high ticket sales if you’re running a health coaching business online?

One of the best ways for you to grow your revenue, make money online, and scale your online health coaching business is to have a high-ticket coaching program.

A high ticket coaching funnel allows you to create a high-value program that will be worth thousands instead of hundreds.

Usually, that means designing a health coaching program that will be worth $2K-$5K+ and will allow you to make money online.

And as a health coach you might think having a high-value health coaching program is what a lot of your potential clients need, it takes a lot more than that.

First and foremost, a high ticket coaching funnel requires you to have high-income skills.

Without high-income skills, or high paying skills, it will not gain momentum.

So in order for you to build momentum with your high ticket sales, you need to:

    1. Build a solid niche, communication and marketing plan for your niche
    2. Communicate the value of your health coaching program in a way that makes people understand the big transformation that they’ll achieve as a result of it
    3. Focus on building your high-income skills

To build momentum with your high ticket sales, you need to know how to market yourself, you need to have a specific health coaching niche, and also have sales skills to bring people into your program.

You will need to create a specific high ticket coaching program for your health coaching business and also have a way to successfully market it and get clients into it.

Social media is a powerful way to help you get paid clients and you can do so by promoting yourself the right way.

At the same time, you also need a way to help you connect with your ideal clients and then bring them into your program.

What it takes to build momentum with your high ticket sales is exactly what I talk about in my video today!

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