Should you choose high ticket or low ticket for your health coaching business?

Should you sell $37 courses, $297 group programs, or a $1000-$5000 health coaching program?

One of the biggest traps you can fall into as a health coach is believing in the myth of undercharging.

It goes like this:

“I’m a beginner health coach, therefore I cannot charge my clients.”

“I don’t know how to create, price, and market my health coaching program, therefore I better sell $37 ebooks.”

“The one and only client I talked to in my health coaching business said they can’t afford my program, therefore other people don’t have money either and I am not going to see my health coaching business take off.”

The good news is that you really DO NOT need to experience slow growth as a health coach.

You can thrive in your health coaching niche and you can build an online health coaching business that generates $5K-$20K+ months.

I built a six-figure health coaching business in the plant foods niche and under-valuing yourself as a health coach is not the right way forward.

You’re “only” a beginner coach, you need to serve clients for free or next to nothing, it will take years before you start seeing results.

This is simply not true.

With my six-figure health coach system, health coaches go from unknown and “just graduated” (or about to graduate) to signing up $1,500, $2,000 or $3000 clients – and typically 3-5 of them in just 4-12 weeks.

Many of them are IIN graduates who felt that they were not getting the business clarity they needed and instead, they wanted to commit to a proven and effective way of signing up clients – and high paying clients.

How do they do it?

Through my 4-step Six Figure Health Coach blueprint, which helps you identify your niche and your message to your audience, create your premium coaching offer, fast track your results with social media selling, discover sales skills, and build a funnel that keeps on bringing in new clients on demand.
They do it without putting together fancy websites, doing blogging and being on 10+ social media platforms.

They also do it even if they have ZERO following and are total beginners.

Let me give you some examples:

Brittney is an IIN graduate and a beginner health coach who wanted to market to high paying clients. She had never signed up any paid clients before but in just 4 weeks she had her coaching program together, booked discovery calls and got her first $2,000 paid client.

Kathryn is an IIN graduate and a yoga teacher who wanted to create her health coaching business online. She started as a total beginner – with no online presence.

I helped her identify her niche, create a powerful message, put her plant foods coaching program together, and using the Six Figure Health Coach blueprint she got her first 5 clients and generated $7,000 in 6 weeks after she applied my system. She also mastered her high ticket sales.

Heather is another example – she is a personal trainer and IIN graduate who wanted to transition online and teach nutrition and fitness.

In no time, she was booking calls and enrolling high paying clients. She graduated from my 90-day program with over $8,000 in revenue!

As you can see, there’s no slow growth here.

Watch my video to discover more about high ticket vs low ticket offers for health coaches.

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